About Absolute

We’re here to support your vital work - preserving and displaying our shared culture.

From our first projects in the early 90’s, Absolute’s mission remains steadfast; To support the work of curators, technicians, collection managers and designers in preserving and displaying the artworks and artifacts that make up our shared culture and heritage.

This mission sits at the heart of what we do because we believe the artworks and artifacts that tell the stories of our culture deserve to be on display and enjoyed by as many people as possible, in a way that best protects and safeguards the artwork, whilst delighting the viewer with the most uninterrupted experience possible.

Inspired by this, we fulfil our mission designing and manufacturing products that help display, protect and explain artworks and exhibits, as well as directing and informing visitors.

Providing so much more than just products

We are proud to offer more than just our comprehensive product suite, frequently advising and guiding architects, designers, collection managers and curators when planning new exhibitions or entirely new spaces, be it a full building fit out with art hanging track (rails) for a brand new museum or office headquarters, installing barrier systems, or more nuanced endeavours like designing a labelling system to suit the specific works or artifacts on display.

Whilst our work is primarily within the museum, gallery and heritage sector, our product solutions have been used around the world by businesses and organisations of all kinds, from restaurants and hotels to airports and hospitals.

Most of our work is consultative in this way, although if you are confident in your requirements our full collection of products are available to purchase online for your convenience.

For more information or support with a project please do get in touch with us, our team would be delighted to help.

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Read the Story: Where it all began

Read the story of Absolute's founding years from founders Sam Sprague & Jon Blakeney.


Our Story


Full of articles to inspire, advise and assist you in your endeavours.


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See our Project Profiles

See examples of projects we have assisted with, from the Louvre Abu Dhabi to the Art Museums of Colonial Williamsburg.


Project Profiles

Browse our Product Solutions

Whether you are seeking solutions to display, protect or explain artworks and exhibits, our collection has options to suit your requirements.


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